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The great wolves of the wilderness, They are known for there destructive power and towering forms but have still managed to intergrate themselves into society. There is a divide that has formed over years with the Queens pack and city packs who have forgotten there old traditions. and who there ruler is but the queens seat of power has never been broken.

The Great Dires

The First of the Lycans Dates back to the time of the sumarians, being the Warlord Dire Gilgamesh. It is unknown as to how he began one of the great beasts besides the old tales written. During the wars against them, the great wall Uruk was made, this marked the territory of the Lycans, creating the bridge between them and the pales during time of war. Once there were many Dires but the strongest, purest bloodline were the Gilgamesh, a title that would be passed down through the ages onto the next. Unlike the the lycans of now they were surperior in every way shape or form they were never slaves to the beasts and shifted as they pleased , the dires were most noticable for the unique markings they carried.


there territory lays Deep the wildreness behind the wall of Uruk, alhough still standing strong other parts of the moutians have opened area's to other territories making them have to tighten up there patrolling at all times. the lycans have skin like armor and are well adjusted to the cold harsh weather. Built like tanks and possessing destructive power it stems from there raw power, not only that they have an immunity to magic which makes them dangerous to the ars magic although few selected Elite bloodmages were said to be able to break through them.  Because the lycans are not affected by the Ars Magica they posses no magic themselves, also have their flaws lycans do not posses the power and will of the once Dires. The lycans are put through intense training at a young age to learn control over there beasts but the coming of the Fullmoons and certain times of the monsths awaken the lycans more primal sides which can rule over there senses.

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